Tuesday 13 July 2010


Radiohead – Creep (Pablo Honey) – Feb 1993
This video seems to show a lot of the band singing and playing their instruments, but it also looks a bit alien like with the lighting in the video, and there is a lot of light shining on the lead singer as if it is a light from above like Jesus, or from an alien ship. This is all very ‘creepy’ so it all fits in with the title of the song which is creep it also looks very creepy like as if they were on drugs. The cover of the album looks very sweet with a baby in a flower and it all looks very bright and the title is Pablo Honey which sounds nice and sweet with the word honey which is a big contrast to the song Creep on the album. As this was their first album, this sets the tone for audiences showing what kind of music they make and the kinds of messages the band like to send out. This song was unsuccessful at first but when re released was a worldwide hit, but the band began to dislike it and removed it from their set lists until 2001.

Radiohead – Just (The Bends) – March 1995

The video for this is interesting because it is quite artistic. This links with the album cover because the cover looks quite artistic and ‘weird’ so it makes people think and listen to the words of the songs and not just listen to the songs as background sound. Also the video can be seen as quite confusing because it is all subtitled of why this man is lying on the floor and then everyone else ends up lying on the floor. This is different to a lot of bands because a lot of bands have themselves in the video dancing around and playing their instruments and singing. This video is different because it still has a bit of that element, but it is more to show that they are trying to send a message or tell the story. I think that the video for Just stands out the most for me, of all their videos, because it makes the viewer think about what the message is and makes them want to watch it again and leaves them thinking about it for a long time after they have watched it. This is very good for a video because a lot of film makers struggle to get audiences feeling like this after seeing their film, so to get viewers feeling like this after 3minutes of a song is very interesting. The genre of the music is alternative rock, but in my opinion the video looks like it would go well with something a bit acoustic with strong lyrics which would be a typical thing to do, but by making a video like this to this kind of genre it is quite clever and original. The video represents society and the way people act and react around certain situations, and whether or not they go with their instincts or if they just think about what is socially acceptable. This video represents how people will act in a certain way which is acceptable in society, by looking down on the man lying on the floor as if he is a psycho and don’t even attempt to join him. However in the end, they all end up joining him, proving that there must have been a serious reason for him lying on the floor because in society, people don’t dare look foolish unless it is for a very serious reason, usually ‘life or death’ situations.

Radiohead – No Surprises (OK Computer) – June 1997

This video is also quite artistic, like the cover because the cover looks very blurry and distorted which connotes that this album may be all about Radiohead’s outlook on life and the way society is. The video is all just the lead singer with his head in a tank of water, which is very unusual and very interesting because he has his eyes open and is singing the whole time, and this goes on for the whole length of the song which is something most people cannot do. So this also looks like Radiohead are trying to convey some sort of message and not just writing music for the money or fame.

Monday 5 July 2010

first post - 30th June 2010

Me, Abbas and Emily have discussed which genre of music we would like to use in our video and we decided that it would be better if it is something popular as it would be easier to find more of a selection of singers singing a particular song, so we could probably get a good sounding quality singer. I have never had any experience with Photoshop but Abbas and Emily have so I might get them to teach me how to use it, or I have family at home who know how to use it so I could also ask them how to use it as well so I will be able to have a lot of contribution when it comes to making the Digipak.

Sunday 28 March 2010

we have finally finished our filming and need to hurry up and finish the editing in time!

Monday 8 March 2010


we are not guna be finished editing .. or filming probably, by the end of this weeeeek :

Monday 8 February 2010

week 3??

we have filmed our first scene but we only have a shot from behind and a shot from the front and we need some shot/reverse shots and maybe some closeups and some shots of people's faces or some cutaways or something incase we need to hide any continuity errors.

tonight we are going to shoot an outdoor scene of abbas searching for the alien in 'area 51' so i will try to get a better range of shots there.

hopefully we will get some good footage!

Wednesday 27 January 2010

week 2

Me and abbas have made a few changes to our story to make it simpler and easier to shoot, and also make it look more realistic. We have started writing the script but thats as far as we have got. We still havent decided where to shoot or anything like that yet. D:

Also i cant do anything today because abbas saved our script on his memory stick!!

Sunday 17 January 2010


me and abbas planned out our task
but then we sort of fell out but im sure we can get on normally for media .. hopefully!